Prime Minister Rabuka’s statement that he is not happy with the $360,000 budget for the Economic Summit is a rebuke to Finance Minister Biman Prasad.
Speaking as Acting Finance Minister, Rabuka went even further and said the budget for the Summit as released by the Minister had not been approved.
This is the third time that Minister Prasad appears to have ruffled the PM’s feathers. The first was when the PM announced there will be a mini budget in March but Prasad immediately countered that publicly by saying there will be no mini-budget, just the Budget in July.
The second was when he jumped the gun and announced that “taxation increases are inevitable” just as he announced the appointment of the Fiscal Review Committee.
This undoubtedly put the Coalition government in a somewhat awkward, if not embarrassing position, as it had been campaigning to bring down the high cost of living, not raise taxes.
The Prime Minister also said that he had to make it very clear to all ministers to cut down on costs.
With this in mind, Labour calls on the government to release the full details of the $0.5 million each allocated for the Girmit and Ratu Sukuna Day celebrations.
We question the need for an international conference and golf tournament to celebrate Girmit Day.
“Are these events appropriate to commemorate the blood and sweat of our Girmitya forefathers toiling in the cane fields in slave-like conditions?” Labour Leader Mahendra Chaudhry asked.